PhD Code Title Instructor
KÉM/318eng Optimization of drug substances Balogh György Tibor
KÉM/201eng Computational statistical mechanics Baranyai András
KÉM/309eng Thermal decomposition of organic macromolecules Blazsó Marianne
KÉM/316eng Nanoparticles and nanosystems Bóta Attila
KÉM/206eng Ring transformations in heterocyclic chemistry Csámpai Antal
KÉM/207eng Quantum chemistry and structural determinations Császár Attila
KÉM/208eng Quantum mechanics of molecular motions Császár Attila
KÉM/210eng Interfacial behaviour of macromolecules Csempesz Ferenc
KÉM/296eng Photophysics and photochemical kinetics Demeter Attila
KÉM/286 Mass spectrometry II. Drahos László
KÉM/279eng Applied gas chromatography Eke Zsuzsanna
KÉM/280eng Separation techniques in organic chemistry Eke Zsuzsanna
KÉM/212eng Quantum chemical molecular modeling Farkas Ödön
KÉM/298eng Cyclodextrins in nanotechnology Fenyvesi Éva
KÉM/292eng Vacuum techniques Frigyes Dávid
KÉM/308 Chemistry of protein biosynthesis Gáspári Zoltán
KÉM/215 Electrostatic interactions in colloid systems Gilányi Tibor
KÉM/216 Self-assocation of surfactants in solution Gilányi Tibor
KÉM/218eng Heteroaromatic chemistry Csámpai Antal
KÉM/306 Theoretical organic chemistry Csámpai Antal
KÉM/304 Protein Crystallography Harmat Veronika
KÉM/287eng Nuclear techniques in material science Homonnay Zoltán
KÉM/223 Bioconjugates Hudecz Ferenc
KÉM/224 Selected chapters of peptide and protein chemistry Hudecz Ferenc
KÉM/226 Theoretical electrochemistry Inzelt György
KÉM/227eng Fundamentals of macromolecular technology Iván Béla
KÉM/228eng Principles of molecular engineering of macromolecules Iván Béla
KÉM/312eng The Monte Carlo method Jedlovszky Pál
KÉM/230 Chromatographic separation of enantiomers Juvancz Zoltán
KÉM/232 Basic Neurochemistry Kardos Julianna
KÉM/313 Molecular recognition Kele Péter
KÉM/299 Computer-aided drug design Keserű György
KÉM/233 Methods of applied statistics Keszei Ernő
KÉM/234 Modern reaction Kinetics Keszei Ernő
KÉM/235 Surface chemistry of biomaterials Kiss Éva
KÉM/236 Advanced Drug Delivery Kiss Éva
KÉM/239 Organometallic compounds in the organic synthesis Kotschy András
KÉM/240eng Modern synthetic methods Kotschy András
KÉM/241eng Theoretical background of experimental electrochemistry Láng Győző
KÉM/311 Theoretical beckground of experimental electrochemistry II Láng Győző
KÉM/242 Theory of the kinetics of elementary reactions Lendvay György
KÉM/243 Selected topics in quantum chemistry Szabados Ágnes
KÉM/246eng Shape, similarity and complementarity of molecules Mezey Pál
KÉM/247 Preparation of cyclo- and oligopeptides Mező Gábor
KÉM/324 Hyphenated techniques for elemental speciation Mihucz Viktor
KÉM/249 Molecular modelling K. Menyhárd Dóra
KÉM/250eng Oscillation and other dynamic phenomena in chemistry Orbán Miklós
KÉM/251 Structure elucidation of peptides and proteins by NMR Perczel András
KÉM/252 Bio-NMR pulse-sequences Perczel András
KÉM/290eng Enrichment methods in atomic spectroscopy Perényi Katalin
KÉM/253eng GC and HPLC in the analysis of organic compounds Perlné Molnár Ibolya
KÉM/321 Electrochemical metal deposition Péter László
KÉM/254eng Methods of quantum chemistry Pongor Gábor
KÉM/255 Modern Methods of Quantum Chemistry Pongor Gábor
KÉM/256 Disorder in condensed phases Pusztai László
KÉM/257eng Organofluorine chemistry Rábai József
KÉM/258eng Methods of surface examination Riedel Miklós
KÉM/302 Theory of NMR techniques Rohonczy János
KÉM/303eng NMR spectroscopy of solids and solutions Rohonczy János
KÉM/260eng Phisycal organic chemistry Vass Elemér
KÉM/261 Instrumental Nuclear Methods Applied in Environmental Analysis Salma Imre
KÉM/317eng Biomolecular mass spectrometry Schlosser Gitta
KÉM/265 Theoretical study of protein structures Simon István
KÉM/266 Applied NMR spectroscopy Bodor Andrea
KÉM/268eng Mathematical methods in quantum chemistry I Surján Péter
KÉM/269 Mathematical methods in quantum chemistry II Surján Péter
KÉM/293 Basic and applied quantum chemistry Szabados Ágnes
KÉM/301 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules Szabó Pál
KÉM/272eng Modern methods of quantum chemistry Szalay Péter
KÉM/305 Organosilicon chemistry Szalay Roland
KÉM/274 Spectroscopic Applications of Photoionization Szepes László
KÉM/275 Systematic Organometallic Chemistry Szalay Roland
KÉM/277 Investigation of metal corrosion by electrochemical methods Sziráki Laura
KÉM/278 Asymmetric Synthesis Timári Géza
KÉM/282 Combustion chemistry and physics Turányi Tamás
KÉM/283 Investigation of reaction mechanisms Turányi Tamás
KÉM/284 Applied computer simulations Túri László
KÉM/285 Elementary reaction dynamics Túri László
KÉM/320 Analysis of protein drugs Urbányi Zoltán
KÉM/288eng Analytical applications of plasma spectroscopy Záray Gyula
KÉM/289 Environmental analysis Záray Gyula
KÉM/314 Carbohydrate chemistry Zsoldosné Mády Virág
KÉM/327 Chemometrics Héberger Károly
KÉM/328 Modern methods of multivariate data analysis Héberger Károly
KÉM/326 Selected topics from modern quantum mechanics for chemists Mátyus Edit
KÉM/329 Nonlinear dynamics: Self organization in chemical and biological systems Szalai István
KÉM/325 Theoretical methods to precision spectroscopy Mátyus Edit
KÉM/330 Scientific presentation Eke Zsuzsanna
KÉM/331 Digital simulation in electrochemistry Vesztergom Soma
KÉM/333 Proposal writing Gulyás Ágnes
KÉM/332 Gyógyszer engedélyeztetés Kiss Éva
KÉM/334 Drug Discovery Kotschy András
KÉM/335 Research and development in the pharmaceutical industry Kotschy András
KÉM/336 Methods and ethics of scientific research and publication Kiss Lóránd
KÉM/337 Modern synthesis of representative pharmaceuticals - retrosynthesis Kiss Lóránd
KÉM/340 Trends in Chemistry I Szalai István
KÉM/341 Trends in Chemistry II Perczel András
KÉM/342 Trends in Chemistry III Surján Péter
KÉM/338 Supramolecular Chemistry Petri László
KÉM/339 Computation of thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties by path-integral molecular dynamics Madarász Ádám